A taste of Heaven

A taste of Heaven
Heavenly skies

Saturday, August 29, 2015

Youth Festival Medjugorie 2015

You must come, Sue, You must come...

Liam...I can't it's impossible...Pete has no orders in, we can't even pay the mortgage this month.

But you must...

Ok Liam I will pray about it, if God wants me to go I am sure He will make a way.

I was excited and full of anticipation as I sat down on the plane. No longer fearful of flying I couldn't wait for my adventure to begin.

I watched the other passengers taking their seats, wondering what bought them to Medjugorie in Bosnia...was it their first time to.

The 40 seats reserved en block were filling swiftly with every age, nation, size and shape...all wearing a beaming smile. This was reassuring.

Many hugged and greeted each other with genuine surprise, love and affection. It seems this was a Pilgramage repeated often. I.felt this would not be my last trip either...how many times would I return?

A beautiful young lady with a strong Italian accent smiled as I sat next to her. She introduced herself to me and then introduced me to the lovely gentleman in front of us who was also Italian.

I fastened my seatbelt as an older lady sat to my right. Bubbling away as she sorted herself out, I soon discovered this was her 25th ish time, and she had spent a Pilgramage a few years earlier with my eldest son. I felt at home immediately.

My anticipation grew...so many over the years had shared what an incredible place this small town in Medjugorie was...but I couldn't imagine what could be so special that pilgrims were returning year after year...looking at the photos it showed a Church, a few statues, and a cross on top of a very steep hill.

Liam, my best friends son, in his late twenties came down the aisle, smiling, greeting everyone on the way...I caught his eye and beamed. I WAS going to Medjugorie.

The plane hurtled down the runway, my favourite bit of flying, building up speed, tension mounting,
and off...off to an adventure of discovery....flying high, watching the landscape diminish, houses
reducing to tiny spots dotted around, huge lakes reducing to puddle size.

I marvelled as always at the fluffy White clouds, I'm a total sky freak, I feel it is God's canvas showing His beauty and power in the Heavens.

Excitedly I replied to Maureen....

Well I've only been a Catholic for 18 months...before that an evangelical for 27 years ...recently I was struggling..missing the happy clappy services, the wonderful hugs and smiles as you walk in to the meetings, the Praise and Worship bringing The Holy Spirit, to fill you and strengthen you to go out into the world and The sometimes amusing but always enlightening sermons...to help us on our way,living as we should in a world full of temptations.

Although I love my new family to, it is much more reserved on a Sunday morning...then Liam called just a few weeks ago to ask me to come on this Pilgrimage.

There was no way I could so I declined gracefully and told him I would pray about it.

I was already praying about being a Catholic, maybe I had misheard God after all, so added in the prayers about the Youth Festival (53 is youth, yes?)

Three days later Liam messaged me...he had been invited to give a talk on the Pilgramages to Bosnia, as his company organised them very well, and pilgrims returned again and again as they loved Liam's charismatic character and organisational skills.

It was one of  his regular pilgrims that had arranged the meeting and invited Liam along to speak.

He felt led to share his testimony, my son Simons testimony and then how My sons conversion to Catholicism had led to mine. Then he explained  how I had always had a burning desire to go myself but could not afford to go.

Incredibly at the end a most generous lady, approached Liam and said she wanted to pay for my ticket .
Liam didn't know this amazing soul, and she had no idea who I was. The Lord undoubtedly placed on her heart to be so selfless and obedient to His call.

I had no idea that Liam was speaking that day and I was overwhelmed with incredible joy.

How humbling that  not only did Jesus answer my prayers so swiftly and clearly...yes you can and will be going to Medjugorie,  but it also ticked the box...yes you did hear me right, you are meant to be a Catholic.

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