A taste of Heaven

A taste of Heaven
Heavenly skies

Monday, September 21, 2015

Hungry heart

I regret not writing this whilst I was away, but on reflection there was no time to spare as every minute I felt was an adventure..not wanting to miss any of the action.

Forgive me if I write out of order, I want to share so much, yet it all blends into one amazing memory.

Each morning breakfast was a wonderful start to the day, each meal an opportunity to chat to another pilgrim and discover their hearts. I was never disappointed as I got to know many of the wonderful people in our party.

The food was delicious and plentiful, the staff smiley with servant hearts...all of them beautiful.

Before I arrived  I had heard that Immaculee  llibagiza would be sharing her testimony. Her inspirational book "left to tell" - about her survival of the Rwandan Genocide - was a huge part of my conversion and so was I excited for the opportunity to see her in person.

( I had secretly hoped she would be staying in the same hotel and we could share a coffee...maybe a miracle for another time!)

It was probably part of The Lords plan to put her on the very last testimony,  the very last day of the festival. As I was not aware of 'when' I had no choice but to attend the three hours in the morning consisting of testimonies and talks and to be back at 6pm...for the evening testimonies, Mass and Adoration, so desperate was I - to sit and soak up her amazing story.

I am so grateful I did. The Homilys were powerful, the testimonies....awesome stories of God's Grace
and Mercy in such diverse lives.

The opening ceremony on the Thursday evening was incredible. Swarms of pilgrims gathered together In the open air church. Peacefully filling the rows of benches, silently smiling and nodding respectfully as everyone found a place to sit,kneel or stand.

The music played melodically in the background as the streams of people from all corners of the world joined together as one heart for Christ.

All hearts appeared hungry, respectful of Jesus, respectful of each other. Many different language barriers broken with a smile, the point of a finger, an open hand....a step backwards.

An army of souls..Some in groups, some carrying a flag with pride, children, old people, young teenagers, disabled, gradually filling the area until you felt there was no space for another human. Yet it did not feel claustrophic in spite of the swealtering heat, the early evening rays as bright and piercing as the midday sun.
UV Umbrellas were put up, portable small camping chairs in their hundreds,kneeling pads and mats at the ready as the permanent seating was no where near enough for the 40,000 expected capacity.

I think there were 22 Nations in all officially represented...one by they came in procession, carrying their flag and holding up the name of their home country...each stopping to deliver a greeting of inspiration and warm welcome,..all excited for an inspirational week. There was a huge variety of languages.all translated perfectly by radio, ..some were funny, some poignant, some simply 'hello'...spirit filled Pilgrims with beaming smiles...cheers resounding around the huge body of souls, as each group stepped forward onto the platform. As Syria came onto the stage, everyone stood in unison, a standing ovation that resounded for many minutes, a cheer beyond any other, representatives from a war torn country, hope in the midst of evil, Love and respect beyond measure.
Tears streamed down my face, with overwhelming comradeship, in union with so many nations, gathered to worship, Praise and Receive from Our Lord and Saviour.  This was indeed a taste of Heaven I felt sure of that.

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