A taste of Heaven

A taste of Heaven
Heavenly skies

Thursday, September 17, 2015

"Open your heart"

"Open your heart" Brankica repeated over again looking directly at me with her arm across her chest...her hand over her heart. Her voice softly penetrated my soul as though the words were coming direct from Our Lady.

 I looked into eyes...did she know? A humble servant of God, Branka as we called her seemed blissfully unaware that Mary was talking through her by The Holy Spirit. Her beauty shone from within, her heart fully on fire,

 The Holy Spirit flowing through her and out to the hungry Pilgrims.

 As our guide, she showed us round the area by the church, giving us a detailed and animated commentary on the various statues, the gravestones and relics.

A vivacious bright eyed friend to the visionaries...she delivered an interesting informative talk which came across full of love. Love for God, Jesus, The Holy Spirit, Our Lady, The visionaries and their families, her family, the locals, the thousands of Pilgrims and Medjugorje itself.

 Her passion for all was unrivalled and her enthusiasm contagious. Often throughout her guided tour she paused looked directly at us and repeated..."Our Lady says...open your heart, open your heart."

 My heart was racing and I wanted to cry buckets of tears...tears of joy. This was the beginning...I was excited...Mary was going to show me all I needed to know. If I opened my heart...she would reveal the answers I was searching for...of that I was certain.

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